Youth Program Covid-19 Safety Guidelines

We are excited to be able to invite you to Powell House for an in-person youth conference! As we continue to live with the reality of the Covid Pandemic we have some rules and guidelines in place which allow us to gather together in a way that honors each other’s safety and comfort. We are grateful to have a loving community that cares deeply for one another. Thanks to these guidelines and our strong community, we have never had a case of Covid at a Powell House Youth Conference. 

All participants at youth conferences must be prepared to follow these guidelines while they are at Powell House. Your feedback is extremely valuable to us, so please reach out at if you have questions or concerns.

We Have New Guidelines!

Masks are now optional at Powell House conferences. Please read the guidelines below carefully.

Before coming to Powell House:

  • Check in with how you are feeling. If you are not feeling well, or if you have any symptoms of illness that are not normal for you, please stay home.

at Powell House:

Attenders at Youth Conferences will be expected to:

  • Respect other people’s boundaries.

    • If someone asks you to wear a mask around them please do so.

  • Actively participate in building a culture of consent and communication:

    • Be Kind: Treat each other lovingly, with an open heart and an open mind. Remember that we’ve all been through a difficult time in our own ways.

    • Be Aware: Make an effort to notice and adapt accordingly to the comfort level of the people around you. 

    • Be Curious: Meet people with curiosity as you learn about each other’s perspective and comfort level. Ask questions to yourself and others as you seek to understand what is best for the safety of the group.

    • Be Brave: Recognize and honor your boundaries, as well as the boundaries of others. Stand up for yourself and each other if those boundaries are crossed.

As always, ask yourself the 3 nurture questions: does it nurture me? Does it nurture the group? Does it nurture the wider Powell House community?


Do I need to be vaccinated for Covid to come to a youth conference?

  • No, we do not require vaccination to attend Youth Program Conferences