Creativity & Spirituality 2025
Please Register Here First
April 11 - 13, 2025
This conference has a special Family Room rate of $600 for a family with children who will share a single room.
As a Quaker non-profit organization, your participation and your support in the ways you are able are crucial. Thank you for being part of our community!
Please note about Scholarship: On the registration you will additionally have the option of requesting scholarship toward the Standard or Reduced rates below.
Adult — STANDARD: $280 — For those who can meet their basic needs. Paying at this rate may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
Adult — Reduced: $240 — For those who welcome some financial assistance. You might be a student or a freelancer or retired with a low fixed income. This tier ensures you can still participate without financial strain.
Adult — Full Price: $320 — For those who can comfortably afford to pay at this rate.
Youth (13 - 22): $170
Child (2 - 12): $110
If you are requesting financial aid, please contact us for other payment options
Please Register Here First
April 11 - 13, 2025
This conference has a special Family Room rate of $600 for a family with children who will share a single room.
As a Quaker non-profit organization, your participation and your support in the ways you are able are crucial. Thank you for being part of our community!
Please note about Scholarship: On the registration you will additionally have the option of requesting scholarship toward the Standard or Reduced rates below.
Adult — STANDARD: $280 — For those who can meet their basic needs. Paying at this rate may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
Adult — Reduced: $240 — For those who welcome some financial assistance. You might be a student or a freelancer or retired with a low fixed income. This tier ensures you can still participate without financial strain.
Adult — Full Price: $320 — For those who can comfortably afford to pay at this rate.
Youth (13 - 22): $170
Child (2 - 12): $110
If you are requesting financial aid, please contact us for other payment options
Please Register Here First
April 11 - 13, 2025
This conference has a special Family Room rate of $600 for a family with children who will share a single room.
As a Quaker non-profit organization, your participation and your support in the ways you are able are crucial. Thank you for being part of our community!
Please note about Scholarship: On the registration you will additionally have the option of requesting scholarship toward the Standard or Reduced rates below.
Adult — STANDARD: $280 — For those who can meet their basic needs. Paying at this rate may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
Adult — Reduced: $240 — For those who welcome some financial assistance. You might be a student or a freelancer or retired with a low fixed income. This tier ensures you can still participate without financial strain.
Adult — Full Price: $320 — For those who can comfortably afford to pay at this rate.
Youth (13 - 22): $170
Child (2 - 12): $110
If you are requesting financial aid, please contact us for other payment options
This weekend we will explore how creativity can be a means to deepen our faith, ground ourselves in Spirit, and nurture connection with others. We invite you to explore the correlation between our creative selves, our belief that there is that of God in everyone, and our ability to live into this belief.
What is your relationship with your creative self? What hopes might you hold for yourself around your creativity or your creative process? What have you noticed for yourself when you've allowed time for your creative self, and what hopes might you hold regarding your creativity and process?
Through creativity we can foster our connections with others and deepen our spiritual journeys. It is a God given, Spirit centered ability that holds affirming and expansive opportunities within each of us. It can be challenging in our daily lives to nurture or strengthen our own sense of our inherent gift. This "super seed" within each of us is always there ready to be awakened, nurtured through experimentation and play, and able to grow at any time in our lives.
During this intergenerational conference we will have wonderful skilled Friends to help introduce us to and accompany our explorations with various mediums. You will have the opportunity to engage with fiber arts such as weaving, crochet, knitting, basket weaving, and quilting, as well as clay sculpture, painting, drawing, wood spoon carving, and music. We will strengthen our sense of community as we invite opportunities to help facilitate this weekend for one another and together!
**Bring supplies & equipment for yourself and to share with others in a variety of mediums as best as you are able. And if you don't have supplies to bring or share, not a problem! Simply let us know!**
We invite you, and all generations of your family and friends to join us for this wonderful and much loved intergenerational weekend. We are so excited!! Can we look forward to sharing this creative, connective and spirit deepening weekend with you?