Capital Campaign
Our goal is to raise one million dollars by the end of 2024. We have already made significant progress and have an active team of volunteers as well as a development/fundraising consultant.
Join Our Campaign
We welcome donations of any amount, including recurring and one time contributions. We also are seeking donors who can consider a pledged or planned contribution of $10,000 or more. Please e-mail us to arrange time to talk with one of the Campaign working groups.
If you could consider volunteering on campaign work please learn more and be in touch.
Powell House responds to Quaker and other visitors who long for spiritual, deeper connections and spiritual growth. We offer a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Life’s stresses have created a hunger in many people for the richness of experience and community which is Powell House.
At the same time the inadequacy of our facilities with respect to accessibility and comfort deters many who would otherwise come to us.
We find ourselves at a challenging intersection: spirituality and stewardship. The spiritual needs and opportunities are clear before us. Stewardship of our physical resources – buildings and property -- will ensure the physical resources which allow us to achieve our potential for healing, for worship, for celebration.
We can meet these challenges with two coordinated goals: the financial resources to support top notch programming coupled with improvements to buildings and infrastructure which will attract people to attend the programs in person and virtually.
As we develop solar power for electricity and heating we can ultimately return over $30,000 annually to the operating budget while serving as a model for green living.
A few small cabins located around the property will invite sojourning and retreats, achieve better universal access than we can with Pitt Hall alone, and better accommodate families staying together.
By renovating and standardizing the antique bathrooms in Pitt Hall we can dramatically improve guest comfort, making Powell House a more attractive destination while reducing repair and maintenance costs.
We can develop electronic resources and expertise which will open the way to creative combinations of on-site and virtual program experiences, often in cooperation with allied institutions inside and outside the Society of Friends.
These and steps like them will, over time, result in the return of more than $40,000 a year to the operating budget. This sustainability is vital to our future. The Capital Campaign will ensure the future of Powell House by creating a stream of income each year.
We plan to raise one million dollars by the end of 2024. This amount will pay for much needed building and infrastructure work, while keeping Powell House's simple, authentic setting.
We ask for your support. This is an opportunity to develop Powell House into a vital force for the growth of the New York Yearly Meeting, for our young people, and to assist those working for social justice.
Powell House can assist you in a gift of cash through our website or sent to the address below. We welcome stock transfers, arrangements involving trusts, bequests or other arrangements you may wish to make.
We will be glad to work with you to achieve your goals for your gift.
We welcome recurring and one time gifts of any size. We invite you to consider a pledged or planned contribution of $10,000 or more. We would be happy to meet with you to develop the best plan for you, please e-mail us to arrange time to talk with one of the Campaign working groups.