Deep Canvassing Quaker Style:
Channeling John Woolman
In-Person at Powell House
March 14 - 16, 2025
A time sensitive Pop-Up Gathering & Program being offered by Friends in our Yearly Meeting will be held at Powell House. And you are warmly invited!
In response to what we see as the urgency of these times, Margaret Lew and Ann Kjellberg, who have been working since 2019 on a Quaker Deep Canvassing project are inviting you to join them as they gather at Powell House.
From Margaret and Ann to you...
As we learned about Deep Canvassing in 2019 we were struck by its resonance with Quaker practice and in particular the 18th-century person-to-person advocacy of John Woolman, a pioneer in abolishing slaveholding among Friends. Learn more about Deep Canvassing here, and from its founder Dave Fleischer here.
Even if you can't envision canvassing yourself, come to the gathering to learn about Deep Canvassing and how increasing your familiarity and engagement with this respectful style of communication can help bring about change. Contribute your insights and experiences and hear those of others so we can effectively approach tough subjects out in the world and in our own conversations with family and friends. We'd love to have you join us!
We will plan an optional actual canvass Sunday afternoon in congressional district 21 which is currently held by Congresswoman Elise Stefanik and will be holding a special election later this year.
Will we persuade people to change their minds? We can't be sure, but no matter what your political leanings are, we have found in our previous canvassing that almost everyone is saddened by the current divisiveness and how it’s affecting their friendships and family. In taking a personal and deeply felt approach rather than tackling policy and issues, we try to model a way to talk and listen to each other with love.
Leaning into our beliefs as Friends and connecting with others we perceive as very different from us is something we can help one another practice and find grounded patience for. We recognize that this is a critical time to act: Deep Canvassing can give Friends and others seeking a way forward a means to engage the community in the spirit of Friendly witness.
As a Quaker non-profit organization, your participation and your support in the ways you are able are crucial. Thank you for being part of our community!
Please note about Scholarship: On the registration you will additionally have the option of requesting scholarship toward the Standard or Reduced rates below.
STANDARD: $280 — For those who can meet their basic needs. Paying at this rate may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
Reduced: $240 — For those who welcome some financial assistance. You might be a student or a freelancer or retired with a low fixed income. This tier ensures you can still participate without financial strain.
Full Price: $320 — For those who can comfortably afford to pay at this rate.