HeartSong 2010

August 13 - 15
6th to 9th Grade

Friday afternoon started with a game of Banana Tag.   After a supper of Chicken and Tofu Teriyaki by Martha (instead of jacki), the usual introductions followed and a game of the ever popular Elbow Tag.  We then separated into small groups to pick songs we would like to sing over the weekend.  A few more guidelines presented in musical fashion and the song Lean on Me followed.  One of the highlights of Friday was the story time outside where we could lie on our backs and look at the stars.  Then we went to rest our eyes and vocal chords.

 Saturday morning everyone woke up tired but excited for what the day brings.  Breakfast included bagels, eggs and cereal which were all enjoyed by our PoHo friends.  After breakfast, we had session and discussed swimming guidelines and cabaret.  Also we told each other what kind of song we would be.  With a fun game of Streets and Alleys and singing songs we went to small groups and talked about different kinds of song and music.  We learned a new song (The Marvelous Toy which became an instant favorite) and played the Hat Game.   When session was over we jumped into the screaming animal sounds.

 Lunch included soups and sandwiches.  To start off work projects we sang “If I Had A Hammer” and began to work on things such as making apple sauce, watering flowers, weeding around the ACC, moving firewood and trimming the trails.  When everyone finished we had session in the pond.  Taking a line from the Yellow Submarine, we discussed what “All we need” is.   Then we treaded water in silence as our circle expanded to the limit of the swimming area ropes.  Then we had more free time swimming.

A calming 3-way massage and self-space happened next.  After we were all relaxed we had supper of baked potatoes.  Then we played a fun game of Wizards and Gelflings in which we all ran from the JCs and set Gelflings free.  We were so tired we played the “Blanket Game” and had Cabaret.  Cabaret acts included singing, playing instruments and improv acts.when Cabaret was over everyone went to the campfire and many of us ate marshmallows.  We pranced around the fire singing and dancing.  When everyone went inside we had snack.  We had a huggle and we were all tired so had to go to  bed, which ended the day.

 An 8:30 wake up to the moans of others unwilling to leave their cozy beds.  A delish breakfast of blueberry pancakes, eggs and cereal fired us up.  Later, in session we had a guest speaker, Farid, who taught us dances of Universal Peace.  Later still came Molly’s game then singing and worship.  Next a tearful, but tasty, lunch of hotdogs, knowing we must leave many of our new found friends behind.  At 1:15 we began our heartfelt good-byes with many hugs.

 HeartSong was a weekend filled with many songs, good food and friends.  We all had “all we need.”


Spring Work-Weekend 2023


Fur, Feathers and Scales